Friday, 28 December 2012


Five good things about Christmas:
1. Atheists feel uncomfortable about completely enjoying it as they are, in fact, sharing a Christian Feast. Even the Guardian journalists have to admit to that.
2. Shoppers are forced to spend twenty-four hours not shopping (except online).
3. All food fascists have to take a back seat for a day. Everyone can eat whatever they want.
4. There is a bonhomie on social networking sites as it is really bad form to be a Humbug online.
5. The Salvation Army have their best day, and are a national treasure.

Five bad things about Christmas:
1. Rudolf the red-nosed bloody reindeer.
2. Jingle Bells.
3. Forced good humour.
4. Not everyone gets a day off. Spare a thought for the emergency services.
5. The Wizard of Oz.

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