rules for 10 year olds
1 The screen you love looking at is just a
screen. The real world is out there, go and have a look.
2 Collect something that you can’t buy in
3 Read, read, read.
4 There is a difference between heroes and
superheroes. You may have a hero who makes a mistake. It is because he or she
is a human being.
5 The old people that you see all around
you were all ten years old, once. So they know what it is like being you.
Listen to what they have to say.
6 As far as we know, time travel is
impossible, so make the most of today.
7 Now is the time to learn to play Chess.
It’s a skill you will not regret for the rest of your life, and is really good
for your brain.
8 Ask your teachers a question every day
that is not to do with the curriculum that you are studying.
9 Play a sport that carries on when it
starts to rain.
10 Listen to your mother. This is the most
important of the ten rules.